Wednesday, 7 October 2015

The patriarchy is a parasitic disease

Every year, over a hundred trans women are killed in Brazil. In the USA, an epidemic of killing of trans women appears to be under way, and a woman is raped every 6 minutes. In other parts of the Americas, things are no better. In the UK and across Europe, trans killings are less frequent but beating and intimidation are commonplace, and rape is at an all-time high. In India, rape is epidemic. Why is this happening? Why the hate?

The underlying cause is the patriarchy, which is based on a misogynistic premise that women are worth less than men. The central plank of the patriarchy’s evil creed is ‘man=superior, woman=inferior’. This powers rape and ‘honour’ killings of women as well as the killing of both trans women and trans men. These phenomena are all closely related and a symptom of the patriarchy, which is not an organisation but a parasitic disease that feeds on people.

We’ve looked at rape before, so let’s look at trans killings here. Why does the patriarchy hate trans people so much? After all, they do share certain characteristics with men.

Well, we’ll come to the specific reasons later, but first you have to understand that there are two completely different types of male-to-female transsexual. The first, which used to be called ‘true’ transsexual, is now known by a range of more politically correct names, including ‘Blanchard HSTS’ and ‘transkid’. They realise they are girls in childhood, may go through a phase of thinking they are gay boys (when they are vulnerable to quack psychologists) and most importantly, they are sexually attracted to men. This puts them in harms way, because men are rapists and killers.

The second type used to be called ‘pseudo’ transsexual, but is now known as ‘Blanchard autogynephile’ or ‘AGP’. These are all the MtF transsexuals who are not principally attracted to men. They are sexually attracted to themselves, as women. (Some do become attracted to men after they transition, but that’s for another day.) Autogynephilia is popularly known as male fetishistic cross-dressing.  Think ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner.

Because trans women have the physical ability to be men but are not, both types offend the patriarchy’s hierarchy of status. This is just the first of its reasons for eradicating them.

The patriarchy only needs women to supply it with sons that bear their fathers’ names; since trans women cannot do this the patriarchy encourages men to kill them. This is what causes the ‘passer-by’ killings, where there appears to have been no social interaction between the victim and her killer. He just killed her because the patriarchy told him he should. Although AGPs are very rarely killed, when they are, it tend to be in these situations.

A second issue is that the patriarchy attempts to control how and with whom men have sex. (It doesn’t really care what women do in bed as long as they make babies for men and do as they are told by it.) This is because human sex is our most powerful drive. It bonds societies together, and to do so, humans are evolved, like our nearest relatives the bonobos, Pan paniscus, to be both pansexual and gender-fluid.

(I cover this in Why Men Made God and blogged about it yesterday at Pansexual: the human norm which may also cast light.)

For our two species, same-sex bonding is part of our group dynamic. It helps bond the groups we are evolved to live in together, and so helps the individuals in them survive. Because the same-sex sexual bonding occurs alongside opposite-sex intercourse, and these two species, left to their own devices, have a lot of sex, there is always enough reproductive sex to ensure future generations.

The patriarchy put an end to that. For it, sex had only to be about procreation and not about shared pleasure. Women, indeed, were not expected to find sex pleasant; this was ‘unbecoming’. (A view still held by Christians and Muslims; for example; clitorectomy is specifically designed to prevent women enjoying sex.) This is because the patriarchy wants its control systems, principally religions, to be the ‘glue’ that holds society together.

In order to do this, it is central to the patriarchal cults that men stop having sex with other males, so it teaches young men that such an attraction is demeaning and forbidden or even ‘unnatural’. It trains them to beat, bully and kill (as we see in ISIS and elsewhere in the Islamic world) men who express this. At very least it is tantamount to a surrender of all the man’s status.

At the same time the patriarchy teaches young men that women are sexual targets and that they have a right to penetrate them. (See here: Why America is the World’s Rape Capital ) It turns sex into a competition, with the most status going to the man who penetrates the most women. (Religious sanctions like marriage are only to control women; men are not bound by them.)

The above two factors are catastrophically dangerous for  transkids, who are the majority of trans women.* These women are sexually attracted to men and probably highly desirable. They frequently find themselves alone with men, in the interest of having sex. The man, having succeeded in the challenge the patriarchy set him and penetrated the girl, then finds out she has a penis. Because he has been taught that all possessors of penises are men, to his mind he has just had sex with a man, and his patriarchal status has been totally destroyed. An episode of narcissistic rage (which men are very prone to) occurs and he beats the girl to death. This is EXACTLY what happened to Jennifer Laude, Gwen Araujo and countless others.

As far as trans men are concerned, their numbers are smaller, but they are still victims. Here the issue is less sexualised. They are killed because they are seen by the patriarchy as usurping the status it reserves for men. To the patriarchy, women are ALWAYS inferior and must never be allowed to set themselves up as equals. Since for a woman to present as a man challenges the very foundation of the patriarchy, and trans men are a minority, the patriarchy thinks it can kill them with impunity and encourages the men who are its tools to do so.


*In the West autogynephiles claim they are the majority, but in order to do this, they have to pretend that the overall prevalence is much lower than it is. They use out-of-date,  debunked and plain old deliberately falsified statistics to try to shore their bogus claim up.

(One source of this misinformation is WPATH, formerly the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, an organisation run by and in the interests of autogynephiles.)

The true prevalence, as demonstrated in censuses and surveys all over the world, and in the US by prestigious organisations for such as the Williams Institute for Law of the University of California, and by Professor Lynn Conway, is around 1:250 or higher. There are at least 700,000 MtF transgender peopl in the USA and over 90% of them are not AGP, but HSTS. (Williams; Conway’s total is higher.)

However,  were autogynephiles to recognise the actual prevalence they would immediately lose credibility for the status they have arrogated to themselves, of being the spokesmen for all trans women. By doing this, autogynephiles encourage under-reporting and contribute to the killing of real trans women. These are white middle-class, middle-aged men with good careers and money in the bank, presuming to speak for principally of colour, poor, largely under-educated trans women. Nice.

The post The patriarchy is a parasitic disease appeared first on Rod Fleming's World.

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